Servoyant News & Articles

The BSA is Coming!

By: Enrique Krajmalnik

How's this for a nightmare scenario? A new client approaches you and presents you a letter from the Business Software Alliance (BSA) indicating they are going to perform an audit. Apparently someone turned them in...maybe it was the IT guy you just replaced.

You quickly discover that the previous IT guy was buying machines with XP Home from Dell and then imaging them with a single copy of XP Pro with Office. Accounting has no records of any software purchases to keep the BSA off their backs. Wow, this just keep getting uglier and uglier.

Imagine if you had a system installed that would allow you to track your software purchases, match them up with counts of actually deployed software on active machines, and then provide you detailed software compliance reports? And what if this system also provided you the ability to quickly inspect your software landscape by manufacturer, machine, and specific software instance?

Well, this is exactly how the Servoyant software and license management system was designed...with you, your customer, and the possibility of those audits in mind, so you have all the necessary information and tools to help your customer stay compliant and handle audits with ease.

Free up your time, get your life back, and provide a higher level of service to your users with Servoyant.

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