Network Discovery
Do you know what's on your network? Servoyant does!
If you are not 100% sure of what is on your network, then you are not alone. Machines get upgraded. Devices get connected. Software gets installed. It is difficult, if not impossible, to keep tabs on it all. And if you have a pretty good idea of what you have, how easily can you produce reports for management? How easily could you locate all machines with a specific version of an application that needs to be upgraded? Would it be challenging to locate identify a rogue or new device on your network? If you answered yes to any of these, read on.
Network Discovery
A regularly scheduled network discovery can identify all your network attached devices, new devices, and plenty of information pertaining to those devices such as:
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Disks
- Memory
- Users
- Shares
- Permissions
- and More...
Identify new or rogue devices
With automatic detection of monitored and unmonitored devices, you can quickly identify new or rogue devices. If necessary, quickly add them to your list of monitored devices and begin collecting even more asset information and telemetry from those systems. Once monitored, the colelcted information can be searched, sorted, and reported on, allowing you to quickly produce the reports needed by managers, stakeholders, and other individuals in your IT organization and beyond.
Device Deep-dive
After deploying a Servoyant agent to a machine, Servoyant performs a deep analysis of the device, colelcting even more detailed asset information including all installed hardware and software. Based on this discovery, Servoyant automatically starts monitoring the device, tracking when hardware is changed, software is removed or installed, and collecting key performance indicators.
Reports that make you look like a Rock Star!
With all this information at hand, use any of Seroyant’s fully searchable, sortable, and exportable reports to produce critical reports including:
- Asset List
- Hardware Inventory Summary
- Hardware Inventory Detail
- Software Inventory by Manufacturer
- Software Inventory by Device
- Software Inventory by Installed Instance
- Warranty Report
- Product Key Report
- Software License Compliance Report